Being in Scotland allows you to view documents that are not available online. Here is where you can fill in the stories of your ancestor's life. ​Being in Scotland lets you experience the sights, sounds, culture, accent, food of your ancestral homeland and deepens your connection not only to your Scottish ancestors, but to the country itself and the wider Scottish diaspora.​Being in Scotland, making genealogy discoveries, walking where your ancestors walked, worshiping the in the same church they worshipped in, paying homage at their graveside will touch you on such a deep and emotional level and brings life to the hours and hours of research you have undertaken. ​Come, explore, discover, connect.
Back-to-Back tours for 2025
I have had sufficient interest in research tours for 2025 that I am able to offer two back to back tours in September:
Edinburgh dates are August 31 - Sept 6, 2025. This tour includes three full days of research at the ScotlandsPeople Centre and one day of research on your own at your choice of the National Library of Scotland, The Scottish Genealogy Society or a local archive or family history society.
Glasgow dates are Sept 7 - Sept 13, 2025. This tour includes one day of research at the Mitchell Library/Glasgow City Archives, one day at the Lanarkshire Family History Society, one day at the Glasgow and West of Scotland Family History Society and an optional day at the ScotlandsPeople Centre in Edinburgh or at the hub in Glasgow if staff are available.
All tour prices include hotel, breakfast, research fees/donations and pre-tour preparation. Transportation, travel/medical insurance and meals are not included.
Please click on the link for each city to learn more about our time there