Ready to start researching your Scottish ancestors?
Join me for a series of three webinars that will get you well on your way to researching your Scottish ancestors.
Attend one, two or all three. The choice is yours

Thursday Feb 27th @ 3 pm eastern
In Search of Your Scottish Ancestors​​​
​In order to be successful in finding your Scottish ancestors, you first need to know where in Scotland they came from. Then you need to be able to use the ScotlandsPeople website, the only website where you can view the actual documents. In this presentation, we will learn the basics of Scottish research including: Using the ScotlandsPeople website, Gleaning information from the documents The importance of understanding the Scottish Naming Pattern Irregular Marriages And so much more

Thursday March 6th @ 3 pm eastern
Breaking Through Brick Walls in Scottish Research
Scottish documents contain a wealth of information and can make researching so much easier when you really take a look at what the documents are telling you. It becomes important to really pay attention to the key words on the documents so that you know what records you need to look at next in order to break through brick walls and learn as much as you can about your Scottish ancestors.
In this talk we will look at the key words on the documents that will move your research forward:
Sherriff's Warrant
Then we will discuss where the documents you need to consult for your next steps are located and how you can access them.

Thursday March 13th @ 3 pm eastern
Online Sources for Scottish Genealogy Research
There comes a time when you have done all of the online researching you can do using the standard databases. In this talk you will learn of databases that aren't as well-known but that can assist in breaking through your brick walls. These include:
National Library of Scotland
Websites for researching Scottish Occupations
Websites specific to the geographic area where your ancestors might have lived
Emigration Databases
Military Databases
Witchcraft Databases
Medieval Ancestry
British Newspapers